Matisse Policy

Cancelling Your Appointment

All  Colour treatments require a £20.00 deposit on a Credit Card, at the time of booking.

We notify  our clients by SMS or email of all service appointments booked with us.

WE reserve the right to cancel your appointment if you do not inform us 24Hrs prior to your appointment of cancellation.


Your card is validated with a £20.00 charge  but no other charges will be taken at the time of booking. However, if an appointment Is rescheduled or cancelled without the required 24 hours minimum notice, the appointment fee will be taken in full.

Patch Testing

At Matisse salon, we take your safety extremely seriously. Although reactions to colour are rare, when they do happen, they can be serious. This is why we strictly follow our manufacturer’s guidelines on patch testing.

All new colour clients and some existing colour clients will need to be patch tested at least 48 hours before having their hair colour done with us. Unfortunately, if you do not get a patch test done, we will not be able to go ahead with your colour service.

No, you can just pop into our salon during our opening hours. The patch test will only take a minute to complete.


 What Colour Product do you Use?

We use Wella and L’Oréal Professional colour.


Is there CCTV in operation?

Yes, we operate CCTV at all of our sites to ensure the safety of our staff and customers.


Do you take photos inside the salons?

On occasion, your stylist may ask you if it is okay for them to take photos of you and their work to use on social media and other related marketing and promotional activities. It is of course up to you whether you are happy to have your photos taken to be used in this way. If you do not want your photos to be used for marketing purposes, please decline to have your photo taken. Many of our clients love to see their hair on our Instagram page and other marketing material and to celebrate their transformation.

Personal Belongings 

Matisse  will not accept any responsibility for the loss or damage (including clothing) to any personal belongings that you bring into the salon, Whilst we will always try to keep your belongings safe and damage free we cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to your personal belongings. We take precautions to protect your clothes from colour but we do advise that you avoid wearing expensive items of clothing whilst in the salon. Hair colour can get onto the salon chairs and floor and this can transfer onto your belongings.


Panel Tool

Yes No